The partnership with Wilh.Wilhelmsen develops into more joint ventures. All commercial activities are performed by the various subsidiaries under their own brand names. Wallenius Lines focuses on optimising its fleet. An extensive newbuilding programme is launched. When the first vessels starts to arrive, the world is hit by financial turmoil, something many companies would suffer from under several years.
Carl-Johan Hagman is appointed President of Wallenius Lines. With focus on developing the logistics service, 40 per cent of the French logistics company Compagnie d’Affrètement et du Transport (CAT) are acquired. The shares are later transferred to WWL.
Wallenius Lines and Wilh.Wilhelmsen continue their good partnership and acquire 80 per cent of Hyundai Merchant Marine’s (HMM) car carrier division and the new company EUKOR Car Carriers is formed, based in Seoul, Korea. Carl-Johan Hagman is appointed President of EUKOR. Christer Olsson take up the position as President of Wallenius Lines once again.
Wallenius Lines and Wilh.Wilhelmsen together acquire five Mark 1 vessels of ConRo type (Container-Ro/Ro), creating the company Mark 1 Singapore Ltd Pte.
New shipmanagement company founded
Wallenius Lines’ technical and ship management departments form a new company, Wallenius Marine, which becomes a sister company to Wallenius Lines. Per Croner is appointed President for the new company which is responsible for the manning and technical operation as well as ship design and newbuilding of the Wallenius fleet.
New vessel
PCTC UNDINE, the eleventh vessel in the Daewoo series is delivered in January 2003.
Extensive newbuilding and conversion programme
Wallenius Lines orders the world’s largest car carriers Large Car Truck Carrier (LCTC) from Daewoo in Korea for delivery in 2007-2008. All vessels will be operated by WWL.
Five of the fleet’s Boheme-class vessels are extended with 28 metres to 228 metres which will increase their capacity by 20% to 7,100 cars.
Lone Fønss Schrøder is appointed President of Wallenius Lines.
More vessels on order
Wallenius Lines continued its newbuilding programme. A further four LCTC-vessels (Large Car Truck Carriers) are ordered from Daewoo shipyard in Korea for delivery in 2008 and 2009. The vessels will be capable of carrying 8,000 vehicles.
AIDA and OTELLO are delivered from Daewoo Shipbuilding in Korea with an impressive cargo capacity of 8 000 vechicles. The vessels are deployed the WWL fleet.
Broadband onboard
ELEKTRA is part of a very successful pilot project to test broadband at sea. At the end of the year, the decision is taken install broad band on all the vessels in the fleet.
Ballast water treatment system launced globally
Wallenius Marine’s subsidiary, Wallenius Water (previous named Benrad), launches the first chemical-free ballast water treatment system, PureBallast. The system has been developed together with Alfa Laval.
Fleet expands
Wallenius Lines takes delivery of two new LCTC’s, FIDELIO and FAUST. Each vessel with a cargo capacity of 8,000 units. Wallenius Lines and Wilh. Wilhelmsen also place an order with Hyundai Heavy Industries for car carriers.
Major progress for PureBallast
PureBallast receives IMO Active Substance Final Approval, which means it is the world’s first IMO approved ballast water treatment system.
More vessels added to the fleet
Three new LCTC’s, FEDORA, ANIARA and OBERON with a cargo capacity of 8,000 units are delivered.
Full IMO approval
PureBallast receives full IMO approval.
Financial turmoil
2009 is dominated by the global recession. Cost-cutting actions such as lay-ups of a total of 19 vessels in the whole WWL system were necessary.
John G Kleberg passed away
Former President of Wallenius Lines, Mr. John G Kleberg, passed away, 78 years old. He was appointed President following Olof Wallenius’ sudden and unexpected death in November 1970.
CAT shares sold
Wallenius Lines sells all its shares of CAT to Manual Antelo. Mr. Antelo was chairman of CAT since July 2007. He was also one of the founders of CAT in South America in the end of the 1990s, together with Renault.
The Fleet 2000 – 2010